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Fun Family Activities to Do In Memphis In The Fall

Whether it be the haunted corn maze near you or comic con Memphis 2018, there’s no doubt that Fall happens to be the perfect time to get out of the house and spend time with your friends and family. 

That’s why here at Escapology, we generated a list of six fall activities for kids and families to do in Memphis. 

That way, regardless as to whether or not you’re in the Halloween spirit, we have plenty of outdoor fall activities for families and kids to choose from. 

Escape from an Escapology Escape Room! 

Okay, judging from the title of this section, you’d probably think that we’re a little bit biased for making this section #1, correct?

Well before you slam down your laptops and walk away from the room, hear us out first. 

While most escape rooms simply require people to gather groups, solve puzzles, and escape from the rooms, here at Escapology, our escape rooms offer more than just intricate puzzles for frustrated friends and family members to solve. Because our rooms are based on real-life historical events, every single one of our rooms is an experience unto itself. 

So whether or not you and your group manage to escape, you all can still have a good time marveling at some of the intricate details that we put into making our rooms as authentic as possible while solving the puzzles.  

Plus, they’re the perfect excuse to dress up before, during, and after Halloween! So if you’re looking for an escape room that allows you to live your dream of starring in a museum film, then Escapology is definitely for you! 

Side note: Speaking of costumes, if you’re new to Escapology and don’t know exactly as to what you should wear while playing any of our games, then feel free to check out our previous blog on 4 Fun and Creative, DIY Group Costume Ideas Perfect for your next Escape Room Experience. 

Also, here at Escapology, we don’t require any of our patrons to have previous knowledge in order to solve any of our games. In contrast, knowing your strengths as a problem-solver is a good way to make sure your team gets out in record time, although it's not mandatory for a fun time!

Go through a Haunted Corn Maze 

A classic amongst many local Memphis residents, going through a haunted corn maze (especially the one at the Agricenter) during the month of October is a great way to get into the Halloween spirit.

Not only is it a great way to get you and your family out of the house for some fresh air, but it’s also a great way to exercise your problem-solving skills as you all try not to let all the things that go bump in the night scare the pants off of everyone. 

Think of it like an outdoor escape room, minus the 60 minute time limit and cooky puzzles you have to solve. 

And yes, just like at Escapology, you and your family do get to wear fun costumes while escaping the maze. Just make sure that the outfit is something that neither of you minds getting dirty and that it can be easily walked in. 

Side note: If you or someone you know happens to either have complicated heart problems and not be a fan of having random people jumping and screaming right in front of your face, then this maze is NOT for you. 

Attend a Local Anime and/or Comic Convention 

Other than that they are the perfect excuse to go out in costume in public, taking your family out to a local anime or (comic book) convention is a great way to reconnect with your inner child and teach your children about other cultures along the way. 

While some of these conventions are more geared towards adults and teens, here in Memphis, we are very fortunate enough to offer two family-friendly conventions during the fall: Memphis Comic Expo(MCE) and Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention(MCFC). 

For those of you who have never attended either, Memphis Comic Expo is basically a one-day comic convention that happens right near the end of October. As expected, the convention focuses on everything related to comics. So if you’re pressed for time and want your kids to get a snippet of the books you grew up reading as a kid, then we recommend coming to this event. 

If however, you want to expose your kids to more than just comic culture and you happen to have the time to do so, then the Memphis Comic and Fantasy Convention would be a good choice. It’s basically a three-day convention that focuses on everything related to the words, “geek” and “nerd”(comics, anime, science fiction, fantasy, Saturday morning cartoons, etc.).

It usually takes place a week before Thanksgiving starts. 

Regardless as to which one you go to, both are very fun conventions to take your kids to! 

Express your Creativity at the Crosstown Pop-up Art Project Studio!

A newcomer to the Memphis family fun scene, the Crosstown Pop-up Art Project Studio is an excellent way for you and your family to spend time together and learn more about the world of art. 

Not only does this place offer adult classes for as little as $25 (plus tax), they also offer an Art Free Play Session for the kids to express their creativity for as low as $12 an hour (plus tax). 

As part of the October celebration, Crosstown Pop-Up is hosting a community collaborate project called “Scribble Space,” where adults and kids could come together and scribble whatever they want on it for free. 

So if neither you nor your family is up to the Halloween spirit, but you all still want to have a good time, then Crosstown Pop-Up would be the perfect place to do so. 

See a 3D Movie at the Pink Palace!

While going to see a 3D movie at the one and only, Pink Palace Museum in Memphis, TN, may not be a Halloween specific activity, it is nevertheless a wonderful experience unto itself!

Whether you want to see Journey to the South Pacific in 3D or the old-fashioned Ghostbusters film, the Pink Palace Museum has something for everybody! 

And while you’re waiting in line to purchase your ticket at the CIT theater, be sure to check out some of the old Live on Beale posters hanging on the walls. You WON’T be disappointed. 

Scarecrows at the Lichterman Nature Center! 

Not to be confused with the ones in the permanent exhibit, these are made by local garden groups and school children out of recycled materials and are available for only for a limited time! 

So if you really want to go see them and check them out for yourself, then by all means, do so. 


So anyway, folks, which of these Memphis fall activities are you thinking of trying out this weekend(or next)? Are there others that you think should be included on our list? Be sure to let us know on any of our social media pages!